A Guide to Branding Your Small Business

Kalu Nkeiruka
2 min readJun 27, 2023

Some small business owners find it hard to brand their business. To them, branding is for big organizations. But this is not true. Branding is one of the first steps to take when you decide to start a business.

What does branding a small business involves? Let’s dive in on the steps you should take when branding:

Have an Identity

Branding is more than having a colorful logo and website. You need to know your business’s identity. You need to know yourself, your competitors, and your target audience. You also need to know what your value proposition is. Then you are on your way to branding your business.

Choose a Business Name

Choosing a business name is an important step in branding. A name will affect your logo creation, your website domain pick and creation, and your business registration. You need to choose a business name that reflects your brand’s identity.

Start Your Visual Branding

This is one step that every business needs to do right. Your logo, website, and brand style guide must be unique. You mustn’t plagiarize others unless you might enter into trademark issues. Your colors and font should reflect your value proposition and identity.

Start Content Creation

When you start your small business, you might not have enough money for paid ad marketing and other paid marketing strategies. But this doesn’t mean that you should not do any marketing to get customers. Thanks to technology, there is a free way to market your brand. This is called content marketing.


You don’t need to spend much to get branding done. There are free online tools that can help you with this. Just do it right!

For a longer version of this article, read here: https://smallbusinesstroubles.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-branding-your-small-business/

